Email Client Market Share Stats: Mobile Takes the Lead

Email testing service Litmus asked the question: Has your audience gone mobile? And with their latest email client usage data, answered it with a resounding “Yes.”

According to the infographic below, mobile email client usage exceeded both desktop and mobile web client usage for the first time in April 2012, with mobile opens increasing by 80% in the six months leading up to that date.

Litmus email client market share infographic
Litmus email client market share infographic

Furthermore, according to their email client market share report for June, the iPhone is now the most popular email client, with 21% market share.

Based on this data, I think it’s time for a rethink of the email templates my team has developed, as they are primarily desktop client-focused.

Fortunately, for anyone wishing to improve their mobile email designs, there are plenty of good articles on mobile email design best practices:

2 thoughts to “Email Client Market Share Stats: Mobile Takes the Lead”

  1. Very nice review… In India we are also moving towards this direction. From desktop to mobility… :). It’s a universal phenomenon!

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