Make Internal Links Scroll Smoothly with JavaScript

There’s an interesting article over at Sitepoint about using Javascript to enable jump links to scroll you smoothly down the page to another location. According to the author, the reasoning behind this is that:

When they’re navigating through a long document, users often are confused or disoriented when they click a link that jumps to another location in that same document.

Are they? Based on what evidence? In all the usability testing I have done, never once has a user complained to me that having a link take them to another location on a page is confusing.

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SaaS Vendors: Tell Me How Much It Costs

I recently visited the web site of a company that provides conversion to and hosting of streaming video. We’ve been looking into doing this at Children’s, and although we are running a pilot with one vendor, I was interested in seeing how this other company might compare.

We’re a non-profit organization and so are always looking to do things in a cost-efficient way. Consequently, price is an important factor for me in purchasing decisions. However, nowhere on the site could I find any mention of pricing. As Jacob Nielson has rightly said:

Price is the most specific piece of info customers use to understand the nature of an offering, and not providing it makes people feel lost and reduces their understanding of a product line.

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Bloated Home Pages Increase Travel Site Load Times has a great speed comparison of three leading travel sites and comes up with some interesting findings.

Plus it has a catchy title — Overweight Travel Sites Delay Holiday Travelers — although, from an SEO standpoint, it would benefit from being a little less cute and a bit more obvious as to what it’s about.

Anyway, the fact that the sites’ home pages average about 150kb is pretty scary; don’t they care about dial-up users? I’d never heard of the term “HTTP Compression” before reading this article either; there’s a useful technology that more sites should be using.

Maybe they are and I’m just late to the table?